About Merosewa

MeroSewa is Nepal’s first Location Based Web Directory where you can find any Businesses/Services and list any sort of Events in Nepal.
We have been producing, selling, buying and consuming different types of goods and services in our day to day life. Businessmen need to inform the potential buyers or consumers about the products or services that they want to sell in the market. Consumers have been trying to find out who is producing and selling the products or services that fulfill their requirements. “MeroSewa.Com”, is a Location Based Web Directory which is initiated first time in Nepal in order to meet different producer, seller and consumer-related problems.
MeroSewa.Com is a service through which a business houses can introduce their business by keeping the name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, website, short introduction and services including pictures and location map they produce and provide to the customers.
MeroSewa.Com is a convenient way for businessmen to give information about their goods and services to customers and it makes them free from the tension like paying a lot for expensive advertisement. And customers, staying at home, are also able to select the goods and services that fulfill their necessities. It saves not only time of customers but also helps them to find the goods and services of their choice without any difficulties.
Key Features:
  • Useful for keeping detail information about business
  • Business Location Map
  • Business-related pictures
  • Business reviews and ratings
  • Search Engine Friendly
  • Linking and sharing with social network sites
  • No updated or modified charge
  • And many more service and facilities…

मेरोसेवा नेपालमा पहिलो पटक शुरु गरिएको Location Based Web Directory हो । जहाँ विभिन्न व्यवसायका नाम, ठेगाना, फोन तथा फ्याक्स नम्बर, इमेल, वेवसाइट, व्यवसायको परिचय तथा उक्त व्यवसायले प्रदान गर्ने सेवाहरुको बारेमा तस्वीर सहितको विवरण राख्नुका साथै व्यवसायको मार्गचित्र (Location Map) समेत राख्न सकिन्छ ।
यस सेवाले व्यवसायीलाई आफ्नो वस्तु तथा सेवाको बारेमा आफ्ना उपभोक्ताहरुलाई जानकारी दिन सजिलो हुनुका साथै महँगो विज्ञापन दिने झन्जटबाट समेत मुक्ति दिलाउँछ । साथै, उपभोक्ताहरुले पनि आफ्नो आवश्यकता अनुसार घरमै बसीबसी आफ्नो वरिपरि सञ्चालनमा रहेका व्यवसाय तथा सेवाहरुको बारेमा निःशुल्क जानकारी लिन सक्छन् । जसले गर्दा समयको बचत त हुन्छ नै साथमा आफुले चाहे जस्तो र खोजे जस्तो सेवा बिना कुनै झन्जट पाउन सक्छ ।
मुख्य विशेषताहरु
  • विस्तृत विवरण राख्न सकिने ।
  • मार्गचित्र राख्न सकिने ।
  • व्यवसायसँग सम्बन्धित तस्वीर राख्न सकिने ।
  • सर्चइन्जिन फ्रेण्डली ।
  • सामाजिक सञ्जालहरुको लिङ्क राख्न र शेयर गर्न सकिने ।
  • कुनै पनि विवरण परिवर्तन गर्नु परेमा कुनै शुल्क नलाग्ने ।
  • साथै, अन्य धेरै सेवा तथा सुविधाहरु भएको ।