
Q: What is Merosewa?
A: Merosewa.com is Nepal’s first location-based online web directory, more like conventional Yellow Pages, but with more facilities because at Merosewa you can list your complete business details such as: contact details, business details, pictures, location map and your customer’s review and view it from your mobile, computer or tablet with internet connection.

Q: What’s there in Merosewa?
A: We put your business name, services contact details, business overview, exact location map and your customer’s review in Merosewa.

Q: Who can get benefit from Merosewa?
A: Both the consumer and business owners can get benefit from Merosewa. Business owners/service providers can give details about their business and services while consumers can get details about business or services they need staying at home via mobile or computer.

Q: Should I pay to get the services of Merosewa?
A: Merosewa is 100% free for Consumers and you don’t need to pay to get the services but the business owners/service providers may pay to get listed. We have also free listing options for listing in Merosewa.

Q: How long can a business owner/service provider list in Merosewa?
A: To be listed in Merosewa a business owner/service provider must sign a contract with us for at least a year and there is also a privilege for the listers that allow them to list their businesses/services for five years at the most. And this service is non-transferable.

Q: After a business is listed, is there some charge if the contents need alteration?
A: No. No charges will be charged for the alteration of any information for a year.

Q: How will the consumers know about Merosewa?
A: Through the advertisement in different Medias such as Newspapers, Television, Posters, Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.), Social Networking Medias, Badges, Stickers, T-shits etc.

Q: Can I also advertise in Merosewa?
A: Yes. For that, you have to pay some charges to advertise.

Q: What should I do to be listed in Merosewa?
A: You can email us at info@merosewa.com or click on Create Listing/Add a Business button to submit your business. Our representative will be contacted.

Q: What should I do to edit my business listed in Merosewa?
A: You have to login to edit your business or services listed in Merosewa. You can also login with your Facebook ID.

Q: What should I do to remove my business listing from Merosewa?
A: If your business or services are listed in Merosewa and you don’t need to list furthermore, Please email us at info@merosewa.com or merosewa.com@gmail.com to remove your listings from Merosewa.