
Himal Association is a not-for-profit organization based in Kathmandu working consistently in the fields of journalism, communications, publishing, education, film festivals, and other related activities. Its primary focus has been to make Nepal a more intellectual, a more knowledgeable society, conscious of various local, national and international issues that surround it through a variety of activities that help to enhance cultural understanding amongst scholars and general public alike. Over the years the association has played a key role in the incubation of several institutions that are today recognized both home and abroad for their contributions in the fields of journalism, research in educational, social, cultural, and political scenarios as well as peace activism.

Himal Association began in 1987 with Himal, a bimonthly English magazine, to raise issues of concern regarding Himalayan society and environment. Covering a five-country region extending from the Hengduan Mountains of Southern China in the east to the Karakoram and Hindu Kush in the west, over the course of nine years, Himal pioneered a brand of journalism which used a magazine format to present to a lay audience complicated issues on topics such as environment, development, ethnicity, governance, modernization, regionalism.

In 1991, a Nepali language version of Himal was launched. Himal began as an annual magazine and later graduated into a quarterly in 1994, a bimonthly in 1996. As the readership grew, both the magazines were “spun off” to continue to work as private sector publishing ventures which they are now.

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