
Since 2000,CARE Nepal began working in partnership with local NGOss,networks,federations and community groups to address the underlying causes of poverty,conflict and vulnerability through the promotion of gender and social inclusion,rights based approach and social mobilization.In 2010 CARE Nepal implemented 22 community development projects in 45 districts of the country in partnership with more than 80 local NGOs, 1,000 community groups, several local governments, 10 different networks and about 1,000 community based organizations to implement on-going programs. CARE Nepal works with rural communities to increase their capacity to plan, manage and implement activities on their own. Capacity building has been an efficient and effective method to ensure sustainable development. CARE Nepal places special emphasis on involving poor, vulnerable and socially excluded groups such as women, dalits and marginalized groups in local development processes.

CARE Nepal currently works in the following areas to contribute to the objectives of the core programs:

Climate Change and Natural Resource Manangement

Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Response

Food Security


Maternal/Child/Family Health Services

Formal and Popular/Informal Education

Rural Infrastructure/Quick Impact Program

Peace Building

Psychosocial Wellbeing of Women

Rural Micro Finanacing

Water and Sanitation

Economic Opportunities

Advocacy and Policy Engagement

Strenthening the Civil Society

Additional Info

Fax No. 977-1- 5521202
Opening daysSun-Fri


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