
We are basically a Helicopter Charter company operating within Nepal and sometimes transborder flights according to the demand in Bhutan and India. The company was established in the year 1997 under the Air Operators Certificate issued by the government of Nepal.
Our fleet of helicopters consists of 3 ‘Ecureuil’s–two AS 350 B3 one AS 350 B2 and one Bell Jet Ranger 206 BIII registered 9N-AJI, VT-DCB, 9N-AKA and 9N-AII respectively. The variances in the type of flights we operate are:

Aerial Sightseeing & Mountain Flights

Rescue Evacuation

Air Ambulance Service

Corporate Charter

Project support


Sight surveys

A recently popularized adventure Heli-trekking in the Himalayas

Pilgrimage tours

Sling Operation, High altitude operation, Transborder flights

Special Adventure missions- Heli Skydive, Heli Skiing

Additional Info

Opening daysSun-Fri


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