
Nepal Housing & Merchant Finance Ltd. was established in 2051 Ashadh 8 under company act 2021. The company received approval from Nepal Rastra Bank on Ashadh 8, 2051 to conduct financial transaction. The company started its operation from 28th Chaitra 2051. The company envisaged the vision to become a premier finance company guided by the motto “Mutual Trust Shelter For All”. The company is promoted by reputed groups of businessmen, industrialist and professionals. The company has been in operation since 28th Chaitra 2051 with a fully fledge of computerized system. The company has involved in the business of providing finances for the housing construction, hire purchase for vehicles and consumer durables, and term loan for business and industry.
The Company provides diverse service and it is contributing a lot in the financial sector of the country. Time and again, it comes out with new ideas in the market so as to attract such scattered deposit and mobilize it in various financial and service sectors and as to assist in the movement of development of the country.

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