
First of all thank you for giving us your valuable time to introduce our self as one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of felt bags, felt shoes, felt purses, felt accessories and felt ball mat from Nepal. Rajendra Handicraft Pvt. Ltd was established in October 2002 AD with a sole aim of exporting Nepalese handicraft goods to the different part of the world.

Today Rajendra Handicraft Pvt. Ltd is the Major exporter of Nepalese handicraft from Nepal. It has its own production unit of Felt Bags, Hats, Shoes and Felt Items. Its Factory has more then 200 workers and 80% of them are women, which helps them to support their family financially. Besides our production unit, we also work parallel with several micro producers to promote their market.

We have 60 % of our buyers from Europe,20% from USA and 20% from Japan, Korea, and Thailand. We have more then 200 designs of felt bags and other items of felt.
We follow the rules and regulation of World Fair Trade Organization, Nepal.
-Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers
-Transparency and Accountability
-Trading Practices
-Payment of a Fair Price
-No Child Labor and Forced Labor
-Non Discrimination, Gender Equity and Freedom of Association
-Working Conditions
-Capacity Building
-Promotion of Fair Trade

Additional Info

Mobile No.977-9851060411
Opening daysSun-Fri


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