
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is a Government institution established on November 3, 1996 under the then Ministry of Science and Technology with the objective of developing and promoting renewable/alternative energy technologies in Nepal. Currently, it is under Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. It functions independently, and has a eleven member board with representatives from government sector, industry sector and non-governmental organizations.

The objectives of AEPC are as follows:

  • To popularize and promote the use of alternative/renewable energy technology.
  • To raise the living standard of the rural people.
  • To protect the environment.
  • To develop the commercially viable alternative energy industries in the country.

Main Program

National Rural & Renewable Energy Programme(NRREP)

The National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) is implimented from 16 July, 2012 for five years. The development objective of the NRREP is to improve the living standard of rural women and men, increase employment of women and men as well as productivity, reduce dependency on traditional energy and attain sustainable development through integrating the alternative energy with the socioeconomic activities of women and men in rural communities.

Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)

The Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL) is implemented from 1 April 2011 upon the successful completion of the Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP) with main focus on enhancing rural livelihood. It is a joint project of Government of Nepal, United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank. The objective of the programme is to increase equitable access to energy services expanded for the poor women and socially excluded groups. One of the intended outputs of the RERL is to use the lessons and best practices of REDP and other experiences for design of new model pertaining to livelihood promotion and poverty alleviation in Nepal. In addition, RERL supports to Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) for implementing the Rural Energy Policy 2006 in conjunction with the local level environment mainstreaming following the decentralized rural energy planning and management.

Additional Info

Fax No.+9771-5542397, 5539392
Opening daysSun-Fri


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