
A culture that encourages self-confidence, resourcefulness and initiative

Gyankunj was established by a group of academic professionals in the year 1990 in order to design, discover and deliver a scientific as well as practical education. True education starts with the appreciative behavior, practical teaching-learning approaches, innovative extracurricular activities, exposures to diverse contemporary development and sound academic competitions among the promising students. Gyankunj now proudly offers 10 +2, and Graduate level programs. Owing to its strong commitment and devotion to academic excellence, the college has established its strong reputation among the people. The college has gained a strong influence in the +2 and BBS(TU) program because of its proper guidance, extraordinary results, well academic discipline, caring environment, facilitative support, dedicated and diligent faculties. Likewise the previous students from Gyankunj have successfully paved their path for diverse areas.

GyanKunj College Studenst near Basktetball Court GyanKunj College Studenst in Class

With its long successful history, Gyankunj College has decided to develop the institution as IT based academic organization under the new scholastic team of management to improve and design it in even better shape. The college is determined to prepare the students so capable that they could meet the cutting-edge demands and challenging competitions like Medical, Engineering, CA and other professional.

The college possesses a total autonomy that rests on the Management Committee that is absolutely dedicated to the betterment and welfare of the students and the quality of the programs it offers.


To be a center of excellence in providing leadership for quality education in a fluralistic and dynamic society.


To provide quality and practical education with corporate culture.
To provide disciplined, dedicated, honest, qualified and competent citizens in the global market..
To conduct various applicable streams like MBBS, Nursing, Pharmacy, Engineering, CA and other higher education in the future.


To produce qualitative higher level human resources in the field of Science and Management by providing quality education along with behavioral knowledge.
To provide quality education with corporate culture.
To prepare our students to be trend setting professionals who will be capable to be on the most wanted list of Global Corporate Demands.

Additional Info

Fax No.4270133
Opening daysSun-Fri


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