Mandala Outdoor Gear is a newly established trekking and mountaineering equipment supplier located in the heart of Thamel, Kathmandu at Mandala Street, Sagarmatha Baazar. Already famous for it’s latest and up to date equipments, it also rents their products, buys your second hand products and sales you their fresh items.
Whether you are a budget tourist looking to rent some gears or a tourist looking to sell you used equipments, Mandala Outdoor Gear provides you with gears for all seasons and temperatures for your tour, trek or expedition.
With years of experience in the field of selling and buying retail trekking and mountaineering equipment, Mr. Mandhoj Rai, the owner of the shop boasts of fair price and quality equipment both imported and manufactured in Nepal that they beautifully display in their shop.
Shoes, shocks, jackets, knives, peak, sleeping bags, first aid kit and much more. Whatever you need, Mandala Outdoor Gear is a must stop place for your travel needs.
For further information on buying, selling and renting trekking and mountaineering equipments/gears please contact:
Mandhoj Rai
Cell: 9841447634
Jasu Rai
Cell: 9808401901
Sagarmatha Bazzar, Mandala Street, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Additional Info
Opening days | Sun-Fri |