
Shangri-La Public School (a co-educational English medium school) offers a new education that includes progressive teaching methods and fresh approaches designed to promote an all rounds development of the child. It prepares him or her to meet future challenges with intelligence and resourcefulness. The school is established to meet the educational and cultural needs, moral integration and quality education for the upcoming generations. Shangri-La aims at extending hospitality, guidance and helps to our students by providing the above stated environment. In short, it nourishes the natural development of the individual.

We the school family members hope to groom a brave new generation. The school is located on a tranquil hillside in the north-east of Jorpati, Kathmandu. The school nestled amid a generous green garden where nature forms an important and integral part of the education provided. The furnished classrooms no doubt provided ample facilities for the harmonious, physical, intellectual, aesthetic and social development of the child. A limited number of student’s will be admitted to ensure individual and utmost attention.


1. Transportation
2. ECA
3. Well infrastructure
4. Library
5 Computer Lab
6. Sports

Additional Info

Opening daysSun-Fri


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